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Maintenance recommendations, tips, videos, and a downloadable PowerPoint you can share with your staff for highspeed, lowspeed, and surgical handpieces.

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Lubrication Intro

Lubrication Intro

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Highspeed Lubrication

Highspeed Lubrication

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Slow Speed Lubrication

Slow Speed Lubrication

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Lubricate Electric Attachments

Lubricate Electric Attachments

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Click this image to view and download our Handpiece Maintenance PowerPoint presentation.

Handpiece Maintenance and Care Tips

NOTE:  These recommandations are supplemental to the manufacturer's recommended maintenance guidelines.

High Speed Maintenance


  • Remove handpiece from tubing.

  • Clean exterior and fiberoptics with alcohol. (Do not use harsh cleaners or ultrasonic cleaner.)

  • Insert a bur and spray lubricant into air drive port.

  • Rotate bur between the thumb and forefinger.

  • Attach handpiece to tubing, cover with paper towel, and run.

  • Examine oil discharge on towel. If discolored, repeat procedure until discharge becomes clear.

  • Wipe off excess surface oil.

  • Run for 20 to 30 seconds.

  • Repeat until all excess oil is expelled from the handpiece.

  • Remove bur and autoclave handpiece following recommended procedures.

  • Remove from autoclave and let cool naturally. (Handpiece must be at room temperature before proceeding.)

  • Insert a bur, and spray lubricant into air drive port.

  • Rotate bur between the thumb and forefinger.

  • Attach handpiece to tubing, and run for 20 to 30 seconds.

High Speed Lubrication


  • Lubricate with Euro-Lube (before autoclaving).

  • Run handpiece 30 seconds to clear excess oil.

  • Autoclave handpiece following recommended procedures.

  • Remove handpiece and let cool naturally. (Handpiece must be at room temperature before proceeding.)

  • Lubricate with Euro-Lube again.

  • Run handpiece 30 seconds to clear excess oil.

  • Handpiece is now ready for use

High Speed Tips


  • High speed handpieces cannot be over-lubricated.

  • Keep manufacturer’s recommended procedures on file for reference.

  • Never use pen oilers or syringe oil on high speed handpieces.

  • Lubricate before and after autoclaving.

  • Do not operate without a bur

  • Set air pressure to Manufacturer’s specifications.

  • Always have the recommended number of handpieces per operatory

    • Manufacturers recommend 3: one in use, one in the autoclave, one cooling.

  • Always let handpieces cool naturally after autoclaving. Never artificially speed up the cooling process.

  • Never autoclave a handpiece with a bur in the chuck

Lube Free High Speed Maintenance


  • Lubrication is not required.

    • While lubrication is not required the lifespan and performance of these handpieces can be enhanced by following the high speed lubrication proceedures above. 

  • Remove bur and blow air into chuck to clean out debris.

  • Insert bur. (Never operate without a bur.)

  • Run for 20 seconds to flush air and water lines.

  • Clean exterior surface with alcohol.

  • Dry thoroughly.

  • Autoclave handpiece following recommended procedures. (Never submerge handpiece in chemical disinfectants, ultrasonic cleaner or cold sterilants.)

  • Allow to cool to room temperature.

High Speed
Low Speed

Low Speed Maintenance


  • Clean exterior surface with alcohol. (Do not use harsh cleaners, ultrasonic cleaners, or introduce cleaner into motor.)

  • Insert a bur and tighten.

  • Remove handpiece from tubing.

  • Add 2 to 3 drops of oil into drive air tube.

  • Attach handpiece to tubing, and run at high speed for 10 to 20 seconds.

  • Autoclave according to manufacturer's recommendations.

Low Speed Lubrication


  • Add 2 to 3 drops of oil into drive tube.

  • Insert a bur.

  • Run handpiece 10 to 20 seconds.

Low Speed Tips


  • Lubricate after each use.

  • Keep manufacturer’s recommended procedures on file for reference.

  • Set air pressure to manufacturer’s specifications.

  • Use high viscosity lubricating and cleaning oil.


Surgical Handpieces




  • Inspect handpiece and attachment for visible damage, corrosion, and fluid.

  • Inspect air hoses or cables for visible leaks and damage.

  • Inspect all safety mechanisms. Do not use if handpiece runs while safety mode is on.

  • Test run the handpiece with attachment for 30 seconds. Do not use if any excessive noise and/or heat is detected.



                                Do not use instrument if any damage is detected!





  • Place instrument on a dry open tray. Avoid crowding with other instruments

  • Do not use excessive force while cutting or drilling. Excessive force can damage internal components.

  • Minimize exposure to liquids. Liquids such as saline will accelerate the oxidation process leading to corrosion.

  • Make sure safe mode is always ON while not in use

  • Avoid using reprocessed blades and burs. Damaged blades and burs are frequently undetectable and can cause damage to gears and motor.

  • Monitor temperature at collet (luke warm is OK)






A. Immediately Following Procedure


  • Transport handpiece in a horizontal position to prevent fluids from entering.

  • Avoid crowding with other instruments.

  • To avoid contamination cover the handpiece with a towel moistened with enzymatic cleaner.

  • Wipe down the handpiece and air hose with enzymatic cleaner.

  • Remove all attachments and bur, but not the hose or cable. The hose or cable acts  as a seal preventing fluid from entering the handpiece while attached.


B. Rinsing


  • For non-electric handpieces: briefly rinse the handpiece with warm running water while pointing the collet downward to prevent fluid from entering. Distilled water is recommended.

  • For electrical handpiece:  wipe thoroughly with enzymatic detergent until all contaminants are removed.

  • All blood, fluids, and tissue should be removed from the handpiece.


    • An immersed instrument will most likely be damaged. However, the following steps can sometimes  restore the instrument to working order.

      • Immerse in distilled water to remove contamination.

      • Shake off excessive water.

      • Sterilize as recommended by the manufacture twice to remove fluid.



C. Disinfecting


  • Use a sponge or towel with a mild enzymatic cleaner (neutral pH) and warm water to remove the remaining contaminants.

  • Do not use harsh cleaners such as bleach, 409, ammonia, etc. Acidic cleaners cause corrosion and severe pitting.

  • Rinse the handpiece briefly under warm running water (collet facing downward with the hose still attached).



  • Always use proper sterile techniques in handling instruments.


D. Sterilization


  • Check the functionality of the handpiece prior to autoclaving.

  • Inspect the handpiece and hose for air leaks.

  • Confirm the bur locks in properly. If not, the handpiece requires service. You should not be able to pull the bur out with your hand while it is in the locked position.

  • Run the handpiece for 30 seconds. If an inconsistent sound frequency and/or heat are detected the handpiece requires service.

  • Lubricate the handpiece according to manufacturer's guidelines to prevent damage to the motor and other internal components.

  • Autoclave the instrument according to the manufacturers’ guideline

  • Make sure the dry cycle is completed. Failure to do so may cause moisture to remain inside the handpiece that will eventually lead to corrosion and pitting

  • Allow the instrument to cool down at room temperature. Forced cooling can damage internal components.

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